Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Posts tagged Ukrainians

15 March 2024
Divide, extract and rule: Of capitalism, coloniality and migration
What’s the significance of migration for the making of ‘Global Britain’? And how can a lens on racial capitalism help us to make sense of migration to and from the UK after Brexit?
MigrationGlobal Britainsafe routesBordersHongkongersUkrainiansracial capitalism

15 February 2024
Two weights, many measures: humanitarian protections à la carte
In recent years, the UK government has been offering new and ‘safe and legal routes’ to some populations fleeing from conflicts. What does this ad hoc approach tell us about who is welcome and who is not welcome in the UK? Plus: And what if these routes are not so safe after all?
asylumBrexitsafe routesUkrainiansHongkongersracism

30 January 2024
The UK’s new humanitarian protections: A beneficiaries’ perspective
How do Ukrainian and Hongkongers experience living in the UK under the 'humanitarian visas' they are the beneficiaries of?
Global BritainUkrainiansHongkongershumanitarian visas

15 September 2023
Why does diplomacy matter in thinking about migration after Brexit?
Understandings of migration policy are often framed through the eyes of receiving states and their domestic politics. But what role do foreign policy and geopolitics play? Plus: what does Britain’s approach to irregular migration tell us about its current diplomatic weight and levers? Find out more in the latest episode of our podcast collaboration with Who do we think we are?
BordersBrexitmigration diplomacyimmigration controlRwanda PlanUkrainiansHongkongersInternational Relations