Call for participants
Are you an EU/EEA citizen, or a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA/UK, who has been living in the UK since before the Brexit referendum? If so, would you like to become part of our online People's Panel?
What are we looking for?
The MIGZEN People’s Panel runs online between now and the end of December 2022, and hopes to hear from migrants in the UK about their experiences and perceptions of migration and settlement since Brexit.
What does taking part involve?
If you choose to join, we will ask you to participate in a series of small monthly tasks. Each of these is designed to take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete. The tasks might include short polls or surveys, idenitifying significant areas on a map, picking out your favourite song or dish for a particular occasion, or uploading a photo.
We are particularly interested in capturing and portraying as many different experiences as possible across age, gender, sexuality, class and ethnicity and so we particularly encourage the participation of people who may identify as being part of one or more underrepresented category/ies.
You can find more detailed information on what your participation in the People's Panel would involve in this information sheet.
If you're ready to join, or to find out more, please follow this link to the People's Panel.
Please feel free to share this information with anyone who you think might fit the bill!
Image credit @bethere.cavalorn