Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration
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64 articles covering the British population
Reflexive practice in live sociology: lessons from researching Brexit in the lives of British citizens living in the EU-27
This paper brings reflexivity into conversation with debates about positionality and live sociology to argue for reflexivity to be reimagined as an enduring practice that is collaborative, responsible, iterative, engaged, agile and creative.
Separation process of Britain from the EU and its impacts on both sides
EU has a significant role in the world politics and economics. Τhe importance of Brexit is unquestionable for the world countries whether they are parts of the EU or not.
On June 23, 2016 was held in the UK and Gibraltar a referendum on the permanence of the UK in the European Union. With a narrow outcome in favour of the referendum, on 29 March, the departure of the European Union was activated, which, among many other issues…
The position of EU citizens in the UK and of the UK citizens in the EU27 Post-Brexit: Between law and political constitutionalism
The chapter discusses the position of the EU citizens in the UK and of the UK citizens in the remaining Member States of the EU after the exit of the UK from the EU. These two groups jointly are approximately 5 million people. This means, on the one hand…
The Rights of Citizens under the Withdrawal Agreement: A Critical Analysis
Part II of the Withdrawal Agreement provides for the rights of UK/EU citizens resident in the EU/UK by the end of the transitional period (Brexit citizens).
The social rights of citizens of the European Union and the United Kingdom. Free circulation of workers and social security after Brexit
This article analyzes the impact of the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit) on the social rights of European citizens. In particular…
The tactics and strategies of naturalisation: UK and EU27 citizens in the context of Brexit
Using in-depth interviews with British citizens in Belgium, British citizens in the UK who have explored applying for another citizenship and EU27 citizens in the UK, I explore how Brexit impacts decisions among the three groups on whether to apply for naturalisation.
The twofold approach to children's freedom of movement rights under European Law: Can 'children's equilibrium' guide the interpretation of the post-brexit rights of UK children residing in the EU?
The United Kingdom's decision to leave the EU is causing a strong political, legal and, last but not least, social turmoil. Arguably, the impact is even greater for children who are growing up as part of the Union, and belong to families of mixed nationalities…
UK Citizens as Former EU Citizens: Predicament and Remedies
This contribution, like those immediately preceding it, is written in the aftermath of the 23rd June 2016 referendum on the UK continued membership of the EU. It first considers, by comparison, ramifications of Britain’s impending exit, should it occur…
Uncertain sunset lives: British migrants facing Brexit in Spain
One of the most concerned groups potentially impacted by the approval of Brexit in 2016 is that of the so-called “Brexpats”. This group of people is composed by at least 784,900 British citizens who are living in the European Union (EU), among which those settling in Spain are the most prominent.
Union citizens’ rights against their own Member State after Brexit
The treatment by the United Kingdom of Union citizens remaining on its territory after Brexit and conversely that of UK nationals by EU27 Member States on theirs has given rise to much discussion and analysis. By contrast…
Union Citizenship for UK Citizens
With Brexit, UK citizens will lose freedom of movement, and Europeans resident in Britain will lose the protection afforded by Union citizenship. More worrying still, Brexit threatens to unravel the postwar achievements of European integration. The EU must act to ensure that Brexit is a failure.
Where Will the British Go? And Why?*
Objective Immigration is a highly salient political issue. We examine the migration preferences of potential emigrants from the United Kingdom to determine whether the migration calculus is primarily economic or political. Methods A conjoint survey experiment was conducted with U.K.
Visual and Oral Narratives of Place and Belonging during Brexit
Using visual and oral approaches, this article presents new findings on the social construction of place and belonging in the aftermath of the UK's Brexit Referendum. Photographs by our British and non-British participants depict everyday life in a seaside town…
Brexit, uncertainty, and migration decisions
We leverage the British Brexit referendum decision to leave the European Union, to demonstrate how changes in uncertainty about a country's future socio-political condition can impact migratory behaviour. Using official bilateral migration statistics…
Effect of group status and conflict on national identity: Evidence from the Brexit referendum in Northern Ireland
National identity remains one of the most potent forces in global politics, yet surprisingly little is known about processes of national identity formation and change.
Academic Brexodus? Brexit and the dynamics of mobility and immobility among the precarious research workforce
The article contributes to the emerging literature on the intersection of academic mobility and precarity by examining the impact of the 2016 Brexit referendum result on the mobility and immobility projects of migrant academics on temporary contracts.
London Calls? Discrimination of European Job Seekers in the Aftermath of the Brexit Referendum
The central question in this article is whether there was greater discrimination against European applicants in the labor market in those English regions where public opinion was more strongly in favor of Brexit. Using a field experiment conducted immediately after the Brexit Referendum…
British Nationals' Preferences Over Who Gets to Be a Citizen According to a Choice-Based Conjoint Experiment
This article contributes new evidence about the types of immigrants that British nationals would accept as fellow citizens. I analyse the preferences of a large, nationally representative UK sample employing a choice-based conjoint-analysis experiment.
'We Thought We Were Friends!': Franco-British Bilateral Diplomacy and the Shock of Brexit
The British vote to leave the European Union in 2016 shook the Franco-British bilateral relationship (FBBR) to its core and led to unexpected tensions, considering the depth of cooperation between the two countries in many fields, and their geography.
The Evolution of Nostalgia in Britain 1979-2019
This paper uses the British Election Surveys from 1979 to 2019, together with the 2016-2019 CSI Brexit online panel, to explore how nostalgia has changed over time.
Pricing Immigration
Immigration is highly salient for voters in Europe and the USA and has generated considerable academic debate about the causes of preferences over immigration. This debate centers around the relative influences of sociotropic or personal economic considerations, as well as noneconomic threats.
Spaces of the local, spaces of the nation: Intersectional bordering practices in post-Brexit Berlin
This article examines the relationship between bordering practices and processes of situated intersectionality by exploring how British migrants encounter and erect borders as they move through Berlin.
"There's just too many": The construction of immigration as a social problem
This article presents findings collected in 2016-2017 from a multi-method ethnographic study of Shirebrook, Derbyshire in the English East Midlands, examining the narratives used by the local authority (LA) and local residents that construct immigration as a social problem. In doing so…
Leavers and Remainers as ‘Kinds of People’: Accusations of Racism Amidst Brexit
After the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU, leavers and remainers have become identified in media, political, intellectual, social scientific and everyday discourses with a contested set of racialised and classed characteristics.
Older British migrants in Spain: Return patterns and intentions post-Brexit
After the Brexit referendum results, there may have been fears that a significant part of the British population in Spain, one of the largest outside the Commonwealth, would return to the United Kingdom. This paper uses different sources to assess whether, on the one hand…
The vulnerability of in-between statuses: ID and migration controls in the cases of the 'Windrush generation' scandal and Brexit
In this article, I argue that identity documents (ID) and migration statuses are both tools of population control and subjectivities that individuals have an interest in holding. I use documentary analyses and interviews with 31 EU27 citizens in the UK…
Brexit Rebordering, Sticky Relationships and the Production of Mixed-Status Families
This article examines the Brexit-driven remaking of some EU families into mixed-status families. Drawing on original research conducted in 2021-2022 with British, EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA citizens living in the UK or the EU/EEA…