Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration
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484 articles with source type Research article
Going Back, Staying Put, Moving On: Brexit and the Future Imaginaries of Central and Eastern European Young People in Britain
This paper explores the ways in which young people aged 12 to 18 who were born in Central and Eastern European EU countries but now live in the United Kingdom construct their future imaginaries in the context of Brexit. It reports on findings from a large-scale survey…
Great Britain's withdrawal from the EU and the prospects of European regional structure stability
The article deals with the results of the referendum on British exit from the European Union, its implications for the EU and international order. London withdrawal from the European integration project is the culmination of the complex crisis on the European continent.
High-skilled labour mobility in Europe before and after the 2004 enlargement
The extent to which international high-skilled mobility channels are forming is a question of great importance in an increasingly global knowledge-based economy.
Hostile and Harmful: Structural Stigma and Minority Stress Explain Increased Anxiety Among Migrants Living in the United Kingdom After the Brexit Referendum
Objective: The extent to which the outcome of the European Union referendum (”Brexit”) has affected the mental health of migrants living in the United Kingdom has been the subject of much speculation. However…
How do Polish immigrants in London reinforce local communities and influence the local economy?
After the European Union expansion of 2004 the United Kingdom was a recipient of a significant number of Polish migrants. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the impact that Polish migrants have on the local economies in the United Kingdom.
How will Brexit affect health and health services in the UK? Evaluating three possible scenarios
The process of leaving the European Union (EU) will have profound consequences for health and the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. In this paper, we use the WHO health system building blocks framework to assess the likely effects of three scenarios we term soft Brexit, hard Brexit…
Identity, Belonging and Strategic Citizenship. Considerations About Naturalisation Among Italians and Spaniards Living in the EU
The subject of naturalisation among intra-EU migrants has only recently drawn the attention of social science scholars. Empirical evidence from quantitative studies shows an increase in citizenship applications among this new wave of mobile people, indicating a strategic use of naturalisation.
Imagining the impossible? fears of deportation and the barriers to obtaining EU Settled Status in the UK
In early 2021, over 5 million European Union (EU) citizens had applied for settled status to secure their right to continue to live, work and study in the United Kingdom (UK) after the country’s withdrawal from the EU (Brexit). In 2018…
Immigration after Brexit
This paper examines the short and long-term impacts of the UK referendum on migration flows and migration policy. Even in the short term – before any policy change – the vote will affect migration flows directly and indirectly through both economic and other channels. Post Brexit…
Immigration effects within the EU-Brexit framework: An empirical analysis
This research aims to assess the Brexit spillovers upon ten EU economies (EU-10), through labour mobility, as a core pillar of regional integration. In this regard…
Immigration exemption and the European Convention on Human Rights
The European Union has introduced the General Data Protection Regulation to reform and update data protection laws across Member States. To comply, the United Kingdom has introduced the Data Protection Act 2018. This article focuses on one schedule of the new Act…
Immigration Status Uncertainty and Mental Health-Evidence from Brexit
The decision of the UK to leave the European Union created uncertainty for European citizens resident in the UK for the period 2016-2019. This paper studies the effects of this uncertainty on their mental health. Using data from a large household panel and a difference-in-differences framework…
Immigration, Race and the Radical Right: Politics and Policy from Colonialism to Brexit
I began studying the radical right and immigration policy in Europe in the mid-1990s and when conducting my research, I have been acutely aware of the impact of my background and personal experiences on my perspectives on these issues. As an African American, first-generation college graduate…
Impact of border barriers, returning migrants, and trade diversion in Brexit: Firm exit and loss of variety
We investigate the impact of Brexit (the UK's planned withdrawal from the European Union) using computable general equilibrium models featuring conventional constant returns-to-scale (CRS) and increasing returns-to-scale (IRS) technology and firm heterogeneity, a la Melitz.
Impact of Brexit on return migration to the Slovak Republic
Brexit is one of the most important events of the present time, which affects several areas of social life in the United Kingdom, as well as in the countries of the European Union and around the world. Obviously, this event is of interest to the academic and professional public.
Impact of Brexit on the migration in the UK
The study evaluates the impact of Brexit on the migration in the UK and determines economic implications of immigration now that UK has decided to leave the EU.
Implications of Brexit for Skilled Migration from India to the UK
In June 2016, the United Kingdom took the world by surprise with the results of its referendum on whether to remain in the European Union (EU). With a 52% majority, the country decided to leave the bloc in which it had been a member since 1973.
Inclusion through irregularisation? Exploring the politics and realities of internal bordering in managing post-crisis labour migration in the EU
The technologies and practices of migration management are changing profoundly. They have been extended beyond territorial borders, immigration policies and assigned legal identities and downshifted to `inside' spaces across state and non-state `ordinary institutions'.
Insights for a post-Brexit era: marketing the UK as a study destination - an analysis of Arab, Chinese, and Indian student choices
Britain's scheduled exit from the European Union ('Brexit') has long-term ramifications for strategic marketing. Faced with new challenges and uncertainty, UK universities are increasingly looking beyond EU borders to recruit international students. In this context…
Inter-European social workers' mobility within a dynamic social work and immigration policy context: a case study of England
Social workers are increasingly globally mobile, pursuing employment opportunities that combine professional and lifestyle projects. Social work skills and practice are embedded in cultural, linguistic and nation-specific legislative competencies.
Intergenerational narratives of citizenship among EU citizens in the UK after the Brexit referendum
The share of British naturalization applications by EU citizens increased in the aftermath of the 2016 EU referendum. This article offers unique insights into the range of motivations informing decisions to become British or not among EU families from new and old EU member states.
International Business and Entrepreneurship Implications of Brexit
This paper provides an overview of the international business and entrepreneurship implications of Brexit. Our perspective is preliminary and based on a review of the practitioner, policy and academic literature over the first month following the Brexit vote.
International human resource management in an era of political nationalism
In times of the “Brexit” and “America First” policies, several industrialized countries' governments are turning toward more national-oriented migration policies. Simultaneously, societal aversion to immigration is growing.
Invisible Poles and their integration into Polish society: changing identities of UK second-generation migrants in the Brexit era
The article discusses what happens when a `critical event' exposes a migrant population to public view, leading them to reflect on their multiple identities and loyalties. Its focus is on twenty-first century Europe, where societies spread across international borders…
Irish enough: changing narratives of citizenship and national identity in the context of Brexit
This paper is a preliminary investigation of Irish identity and citizenship in the aftermath of the decision of the UK to leave the European Union. It identifies three significant impacts:
Is Employer Sponsorship a Good Way to Manage Labour Migration? Implications for Post-Brexit Migration Policies
This paper examines the implications of labour migration models that rely on employer sponsorship. According to UK government proposals, long-term migration into high-skilled jobs after Brexit will require workers to be sponsored by employers…
Islamophobia as racialised biopolitics in the United Kingdom
This article provides a Foucauldian perspective on the racialised biopolitics of Islamophobia in the global north. It is argued that a pervasive…
It's all about the Flex: Preference, Flexibility and Power in the Employment of EU Migrants in Low-Skilled Sectors
In the last ten years, EU migrants have come to play an important role in the UK labour force. They have become increasingly present in low-skilled occupations, where the largest proportional increase has been migration from Eastern and Central European countries.
Justice in Automated Administration
Public administration has, for some time now, been undergoing a digital transformation. Part of this change is the replacement of human public officials with automated decision-making systems. Beyond its immediate social and political significance…
Key Ideas on Mobility and Social Security after Brexit
This article provides a general understanding of the main aspects of mobility (no longer referred to as free movement) and social security coordination, in the Brexit international agreements that govern the relationship of the EU with the United Kingdom: the Withdrawal Agreement (WA)…
Labour immigration after Brexit: questions and trade-offs in designing a work permit system for EU citizens
This paper examines key questions the UK Government will face if it opts to end free movement and replace it with a work-permit system after Brexit.
Leave or remain? The post-Brexit (im)mobility intentions of Bulgarians in the United Kingdom
In the light of impending Brexit, what factors shape European Union migrants' plans to remain in or leave the UK? Based on an online survey of 360 Bulgarians, an under-researched migrant group in the UK, this study finds that the ones who plan to remain have lived longer in the UK…
Legal integration and the reconfiguration of identifications: material and symbolic effects of Brexit on British nationals in Berlin
Freedom of Movement is at the heart of European citizenship. It provides intra-European migrants with flexibility and dis-incentivizes from acquiring the nationality of another EU country. Through Brexit, British nationals lose their European citizenship and their right to free movement.
Let's talk about Brexit: intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice, and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat
In this study, we investigate the degree to which procedural justice and Brexit related intra-organizational communication interact with UK-citizenship status in alleviating/fostering job-insecurity. Intra-organizational communication is often negatively associated with job insecurity…
Liminal Lives: Navigating In-Betweenness in the Case of Bulgarian and Italian Migrants in Brexiting Britain
The UK's decision to leave the EU illustrates some of the tensions embedded in European integration, enabling us to examine how nationalism and cosmopolitanism operate simultaneously, thus reinforcing each other. Furthermore…
Local electoral rights for non-French residents? A case-study analysis of British candidates and councillors in French municipal elections
The French Constitution restricts local electoral rights to French nationals and EU citizens. Third country nationals have long been excluded from suffrage as France has maintained a stronghold on nationality and republican values.