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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

226 articles tagged Brexit

Brexit and European doctors' decisions to leave the United Kingdom: a qualitative analysis of free-text questionnaire comments
BackgroundQuantitative evidence suggests that Brexit has had a severe and negative impact on European doctors, with many medical staff leaving the UK. This study provides a detailed examination of European doctors' feelings towards Brexit, their intentions to leave the UK…
Brexit and its economic consequences
As the formal process of Brexit has already started, there is much uncertainty about Brexit's impacts on Britain's social, political and economic future. This paper examines the economic impact. After briefly discussing some significant EU treaties that serve as the background materials…
Brexit and new autochthonic politics of belonging
The outcome of the 2016 European Union membership referendum is re-shaping the United Kingdom's relationship with the EU through shifting geopolitical positioning(s) and the (re)…
Brexit and new perspectives of an unconventional way of Eurozone revival
In the aftermath of the UK referendum on June 23rd, 2016 that resulted in a sonorous negative decision regarding the willingness of the British people to remain in the EU, a significant number of alarming questions have emerged. Although Europe should have forged in crises, nowadays…
Brexit and social security of mobile persons
If one looks at the history of UK and EU relations, the UK Leave vote may not seem a surprise. Attempts were made by the EU to enable further membership of the UK. Despite the Leave vote “offers” to the UK might still be relevant for other Member States. Among the most intriguing questions are:
Brexit and the borders and boundaries of the European union
The article makes the case for the study of borders and boundaries as intertwined concepts that bear multiple implications for understanding the prominence of anti-migration in the public discourse.
Brexit and the Classed Politics of Bordering: The British in France and European Belongings
This article considers what Brexit means for British citizens living in France. Drawing on empirical research I examine the emotional and material impacts that uncertainties about their futures have had on their lives. The article documents the measures they take (or anticipate)…
Brexit and the EU internal market
The chapter considers Brexit and the EU internal market. Barnard emphasizes the role that the UK played in creating the EU internal market and examines the view that its four freedoms-free movement of goods, services, capital, and people-are indivisible.
Brexit and the Overseas Territories: Repercussions for the Periphery
There are 14 United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs), of which nine are associated with the European Union (EU) via the Overseas Association Decision adopted by the EU in 2013. Gibraltar, meanwhile, is part of the EU under Article 355(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
Brexit and the perils of “Europeanised' migration
Moving beyond short-term public opinion accounts for Brexit this article considers how Britain's historic policy and political dynamics on migration led to the outcome of the EU referendum and how the latter is likely to transform current immigration policies. To do so…
Brexit and the stratified uses of national and European Union citizenship
In this article the authors explore how Brexit changes the social meanings and uses of formal national and EU citizenship and how these meanings and uses are stratified, including by migratory experience, class and age. They do so through in-depth interviews with Britons in Belgium…
Brexit and Uncertainty: Insights from the Decision Maker Panel
The UK's decision to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum created substantial uncertainty for UK businesses. The nature of this uncertainty is different from that of a typical uncertainty shock because of its length, breadth and political complexity. Consequently, a new firm-level survey…
Brexit and Westminster's "Ulsterior Motives"
The chances are growing that an unexpected consequence of the 2016 UK referendum to exit the European Union (or "Brexit") may eventuate in the unexpected development of Northern Ireland exiting the UK, or what might be termed "NIRexit." In other words, Brexit may lead to Irish unification.
Brexit as postindustrial critique
Anthropologists and other commentators struggle to make sense of pre-COVID-19 political developments in the postindustrial Global North. Various narratives were created to explain these dramatic events and changes, deploying an armory of social science analysis.
Brexit implications in Europe and around the world
This paper analyzes Great Britain's exit from the EU, which implies the country's own will to leave the regional block, as well as the multiple effects that this has not only on this country but also in the European Union as a whole, as well as around the world.
Brexit, acculturative stress and mental health among EU citizens in Scotland
The `Brexit' referendum represents a hostile shift in the United Kingdom's acculturative context. With its remain majority and pro-migration political discourse, Scotland appears less hostile than the rest of the United Kingdom.
Brexit, Birmingham, belonging and home: the experience of secondary migrant Somali families and the dirty work of boundary maintenance
Purpose This study aims to investigate the impact of the Brexit referendum on feelings of belonging and home among secondary migrant Somali families in the city of Birmingham. Here…
Brexit, British People of Colour in the EU-27 and everyday racism in Britain and Europe
This paper foregrounds an understanding of Brexit as unexceptional, as business as usual in Britain and Europe. It reports on original empirical research with British People of Colour who have settled elsewhere in Europe…
Brexit, Europe and othering
The UK has seen, within recent years, a noticeable increase in Euroscepticism, culminating in the vote to leave the European Union altogether. Although there were many reasons for the Brexit vote, the UK, in common with some other EU countries…
Brexit, immigration and expanded markets of social control
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of EU citizens' exposure to UK immigration practices currently operating on non-EU migrants in the wake of the Brexit referendum.
Brexit, liminality, and ambiguities of belonging; French citizens in London
The Brexit process has affected the lives of "middling"mobile Europeans living in the UK, who have experienced uncertainty as their legal status and social position have shifted. Based on ethnographic research during the years 2015-2020 among French citizens living in London…
Brexit, race and migration
This timely series of interventions scrutinises the centrality of race and migration to the 2016 Brexit campaign, vote and its aftermath. It brings together five individual pieces, with an accompanying introduction, which interrogate different facets of how race, migration and Brexit interconnect:
Brexit, Trump, and “methodological whiteness': on the misrecognition of race and class
The rhetoric of both the Brexit and Trump campaigns was grounded in conceptions of the past as the basis for political claims in the present.
Brexit: A requiem for the post-national society?
The ‘fourth freedom’ of freedom of movement of persons – somewhat misleadingly labelled ‘European citizenship’ – lay at the normative heart of the European project. Although sceptics have often suggested it was part of the building of a European fortress…
Brexit: an economy-wide impact assessment on trade, immigration, and foreign direct investment
We assess the impacts of Brexit on the UK economy along three dimensions: EU market access based on consideration of tariffs and non-tariff barriers, reduced numbers of EU citizens working in the UK, and reductions in FDI. Using a Computable General Equilibrium model with an integrated Melitz…
Brexit: human resourcing implications
Purpose Three years on from the Brexit vote, while it remains a central topic for debate in the media, there has been limited discussion about the human resource (HR) implications. The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical evaluation and informed discussion…
Brexit: Potential Migration Wave and Population Gains and Losses in the European Union and the United Kingdom
Now that the United Kingdom voted in favor of exiting from the European Union, a process commonly known as Brexit, there is a possibility that we will witness a tremendous migration wave between the EU and the UK once Brexit is implemented.
Brexit: The economic and political implications for Asia
Often trumpeted as a bastion of modern economic and political integration, the European Union (EU) has played an integral role in the development of the United Kingdom's (UK) economy. However, in recent times, the relationship between the EU and the UK has become increasingly fragile…
Brexit: The impact on health and social care and the role of community nurses
Brexit poses seismic challenges for health and social care provision in the United Kingdom concerning the ongoing financial support available to fund health and social care within a post-Brexit economy. Alongside funding issues…
Britain’s Brexit Deal Debacle
The Brexit Deal marks an historic debacle for the United Kingdom. The UK failed to protect is core economic, political, strategic, and legal interests. Economically, while the UK overemphasized, and ultimately sold out, a tiny sector, fishing…
British migrants in Berlin: negotiating postcolonial melancholia and racialised nationalism in the wake of Brexit
World War II nostalgia in the UK is mired in a postcolonial melancholia that not only fuels Brexit nationalism, but carries implications for how the UK relates to the European Continent.
Can Rights Be Frozen?
This chapter focuses on the intension of Union citizenship by asking if rights can be frozen. In particular, we look at the extra-negotiational legal resources available for freezing rights of the people involved. Can rights be frozen? Which rights? Whose rights? Under what conditions? For how long?
Conditional citizens and hostile environments: Polish migrants in pre-Brexit Britain
This article explores recent shifts in the governance of British migration and welfare regimes, considering how far a so called `authoritarian turn' (Tyler, 2018)…
Contesting Brexit Masculinities: Pro-European Activists and Feminist EU Citizenship*
Although Brexit campaigns mobilized discourses of hegemonic masculinity that marginalize women, women seemed to be at the forefront of pro-EU campaigns post-referendum. I explore to what extent pro-EU activists make claims to EU citizenship that contest the masculinities of Brexit.
Cultural Precarity: Migrants' Positionalities in the Light of Current Anti-immigrant Populism in Europe
The Brexit referendum was an earthquake to those in otherwise privileged positions: white intra-European migrants. Poles form the largest among these groups in the UK. As much as they are vulnerable to discrimination as non-British citizens…
Cultural violence in the aftermath of the Brexit Referendum: manifestations of post-racial xeno-racism
This paper makes a novel contribution to the academic debate on Brexit and racism. It emphasizes the need to distinguish different manifestations of post-racial xeno-racism in the aftermath of the Brexit Referendum as either direct, structural or cultural violence.