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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

3 articles tagged Caribbean

Analysing migrants' ageing in place as embodied practices of embedding through time: 'Kilburn is not Kilburn any more'
There is growing attention to how people navigate and make sense of particular places through the ageing process. Against this backdrop, there is increasing research on ageing in contexts of migration. Although much of this research focuses on retirement and return migration…
The Repercussions of Brexit for CARICOM’s Cohesion
Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves not just within Europe but across the globe. In the Caribbean, it has heightened uncertainty about the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) ability to survive its own fissures…
Thinking Europe otherwise: Lessons from the Caribbean
In the twenty-first century, Europe’s remaining 34 colonies in the Caribbean, the Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean are graphically represented as part of the EU in official maps, yet play no part in the definition of either the normative European ideal or the corresponding common identity.