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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

8 articles tagged economics of migration

Brexit: an economy-wide impact assessment on trade, immigration, and foreign direct investment
We assess the impacts of Brexit on the UK economy along three dimensions: EU market access based on consideration of tariffs and non-tariff barriers, reduced numbers of EU citizens working in the UK, and reductions in FDI. Using a Computable General Equilibrium model with an integrated Melitz…
Economic turbulence and labour migrants' mobility intentions: Polish migrants in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands and Germany 2009-2016
Economists view earnings as a primary driver of migration, both actual and intended. However, studies on the relationship between migration intentions and earnings yield mixed results. We argue that earnings are an important factor…
Impact of border barriers, returning migrants, and trade diversion in Brexit: Firm exit and loss of variety
We investigate the impact of Brexit (the UK's planned withdrawal from the European Union) using computable general equilibrium models featuring conventional constant returns-to-scale (CRS) and increasing returns-to-scale (IRS) technology and firm heterogeneity, a la Melitz.
Migrants' Role in Enhancing the Economic Development of Host Countries: Empirical Evidence from Europe
This research examines several modellers of immigration flows deployed within the European Union (EU), as well as their economic consequences upon the most targeted ten migrant receiving countries.
Migration Determinants and Potential Impact of Brexit on Migration from the CEE Countries to the UK
The aim of this study is to identify the determinants of migration from the selected Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries to the UK and to measure the potential effects of Brexit on the migration from these states. The inclusion of CEE countries (Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania…
Perceived stress and well-being of Polish migrants in the UK after Brexit vote
Objective This study aimed to investigate factors affecting personal well-being of Polish immigrants living in the UK in the face of a significant political change-the Brexit vote. We measured perceived changes in attitude or behaviour of supervisors and co-workers, respondents' perceived stress…
The economic impact of potential migration policies in the UK after Brexit
The bulk of studies which attempt to quantify the effects of Brexit focus on trade issues; however, very few of them have analysed migration. In this paper, we analyse the impact of several migration policies on GDP, GDP per capita, wages, national income and sectoral production in the UK…
The effects of European economic integration and the impact of brexit on the UK immigrants from the CEE countries
Considering the debates regarding lower increase in the economic growth after Brexit, the main objective of this paper is to measure the positive impact of economic integration of Central and Eastern European (CEE)…