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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

3 articles tagged EU freedom of movement

A Blurred Piece of Jigsaw: On the Status of Jobseekers within the Framework of Directive 2004/38
This article explores the status of jobseeker in Directive 2004/38 that is aimed to simplify and strengthen the right of free movement and residence of all Union citizens. Unlike the categories of economically active and inactive persons…
Brexit and the borders and boundaries of the European union
The article makes the case for the study of borders and boundaries as intertwined concepts that bear multiple implications for understanding the prominence of anti-migration in the public discourse.
Making the Most of the EU Internal Mobility - Romanian Citizens'Migration to the UK in the context of Brexit, a Race Against Time
This exploratory study looks at the post-Brexit Referendum Romanian migration to the UK and analyses it as an outstanding case, in contrast to its overall umbrella EU27 migration, which is declining.