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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

3 articles tagged Europeanisation

Brexit and the perils of “Europeanised' migration
Moving beyond short-term public opinion accounts for Brexit this article considers how Britain's historic policy and political dynamics on migration led to the outcome of the EU referendum and how the latter is likely to transform current immigration policies. To do so…
Ireland and crisis governance: continuity and change in the shadow of the financial crisis and Brexit
Ireland's relationship with the European Union (EU) has, since 2008, been tested by an enduring and complex series of economic and political crises. The contributions to this special issue examine these EU-linked crises through a variety of Irish perspectives, including the impact on public opinion…
'Shunning' and 'seeking' membership: Rethinking citizenship regimes in the European constitutional space
This article explores parallels between the 'shunning' and 'seeking' of membership of the EU in the context of Brexit and stalled enlargement in south-east Europe, via a focus on the partial, fragmentary and contested governance of citizenship.