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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

5 articles tagged hostile environment

Conditional citizens and hostile environments: Polish migrants in pre-Brexit Britain
This article explores recent shifts in the governance of British migration and welfare regimes, considering how far a so called `authoritarian turn' (Tyler, 2018)…
Immigration exemption and the European Convention on Human Rights
The European Union has introduced the General Data Protection Regulation to reform and update data protection laws across Member States. To comply, the United Kingdom has introduced the Data Protection Act 2018. This article focuses on one schedule of the new Act…
Intergenerational narratives of citizenship among EU citizens in the UK after the Brexit referendum
The share of British naturalization applications by EU citizens increased in the aftermath of the 2016 EU referendum. This article offers unique insights into the range of motivations informing decisions to become British or not among EU families from new and old EU member states.
The 'Channel Crossings' and the borders of Britain
Since November 2018, a small but increased number of migrants have risked their lives attempting to cross the waters of the English Channel from northern France to reach Britain. Throughout and alongside the final protracted phase of the Brexit process, governing politicians…
The hostile environment, Brexit, and `reactive-' or `protective transnationalism'
The `reactive transnationalism hypothesis' posits a relationship between discrimination and transnational practice. The concept has generally been studied using quantitative methods, but a qualitative approach augments our understanding of two context-specific dimensions: