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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

7 articles tagged international migration

EU Children in Brexit Britain: Re-Negotiating Belonging in Nationalist Times
This article contributes to debates on identification, home and belonging by focusing on EU children in Brexit times.(1) The article combines attention to the emotional and affective side of integration with a focus on the effects of the discursive practices of the state on these processes.
Is Employer Sponsorship a Good Way to Manage Labour Migration? Implications for Post-Brexit Migration Policies
This paper examines the implications of labour migration models that rely on employer sponsorship. According to UK government proposals, long-term migration into high-skilled jobs after Brexit will require workers to be sponsored by employers…
Labour immigration after Brexit: questions and trade-offs in designing a work permit system for EU citizens
This paper examines key questions the UK Government will face if it opts to end free movement and replace it with a work-permit system after Brexit.
Migrants' Role in Enhancing the Economic Development of Host Countries: Empirical Evidence from Europe
This research examines several modellers of immigration flows deployed within the European Union (EU), as well as their economic consequences upon the most targeted ten migrant receiving countries.
The impacts of international migration on the UK's ethnic populations
The United Kingdom faces demographic uncertainty, as negotiations for leaving the European Union (Brexit) proceed. Brexit has implications for international migration into and out of the UK, dependent on future immigration policy and on how attractive the UK will be as a labour market.
The Role of Migration Policies in the Attraction and Retention of International Talent: The Case of Indian Researchers
Governments are increasingly implementing policies aimed at attracting or retaining highly skilled migrants. While a growing number of studies examine the effectiveness of these efforts, the actual mechanisms through which migration policies may operate have not been questioned.
The welfare impact of migration with endogenous cross-border movement: An application to the European Union
In this paper, I examine the welfare impact of migration in a general equilibrium model with endogenous worker location choice. My framework incorporates labor productivity differences across countries, worker heterogeneity in productivity across skill and nativity types…