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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

3 articles tagged Migrant workers

Brexit: The impact on health and social care and the role of community nurses
Brexit poses seismic challenges for health and social care provision in the United Kingdom concerning the ongoing financial support available to fund health and social care within a post-Brexit economy. Alongside funding issues…
EU migrant workers, Brexit and precarity: Polish women's perspectives from inside the UK
How has the Brexit vote affected EU migrants to the UK? This book presents a female Polish perspective, using findings from research carried out with migrants interviewed before and after the Brexit vote - voices of real people who made their home in the UK.
EU migrant workers, Brexit and precarity: Polish women's perspectives from inside the UK. Conclusion and policy implications
In June 2016, after 43 years as part of the European community, the UK people decided to leave. In March 2017, the UK Prime Minister officially started the process of Brexit – the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. While Brexit was decided by a relatively small margin of people…