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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

5 articles tagged national identity

‘Brexit’ and the Scots in England: A diaspora facing uncertainty?
Brexit has brought many uncertainties, including the future position of UK-based EU migrants. Our concern is with a much less studied group, albeit one of the largest socio-political sub-groups within England - the Scots.
New Scots? Eastern European Young People's Feelings of Belonging and National Identity in Scotland Post-Brexit
This article examines the impact of Brexit on young people aged 12-18 who had moved to Scotland from Central and Eastern Europe. It draws on empirical data collected with over 250 young people who contributed to an online survey and focus groups between 2016-2018…
Rethinking unity in diversity: the potential of European identity in rapidly diversifying societies
Europe seems deeply divided due to recent crises such as the EURO crisis and the Brexit. Moreover, the EU seems unable to entice its citizens and the construction of a shared European identity seems more distant than ever. Yet, in this paper…
Revisiting the golden age: Brexit, migration and the rhetoric of national identity
The Brexit referendum of 23 June 2016 put in motion a series of complex negotiations resulting in inevitable impasses, some of which have not been resolved even now that the UK is finally out of the EU (most palpably the so-called Northern Irish Protocol). While debates are still ongoing…
Rural Brexit? The ambivalent politics of rural community, migration and dependency
This paper investigates the relationship between rural space and Brexit.