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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

3 articles tagged refugee crisis

“It was the photograph of the little boy”: reflections on the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Programme in the UK
This article examines the “Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Programme” (SVPRP) as a specific British response to the “European refugee crisis”. Based on an analysis of media reporting (2014–17) and empirical evidence from agencies and volunteers tasked with implementing the programme…
People as security risks: the framing of migration in the UK security-development nexus
The migration of people across international borders has long been an area of concern for the UK and was a key issue in the public debate surrounding Brexit.
Towards a new politics of migration?
This paper reconsiders Stephen Castle's classic paper Why Migration Policies Fail. Beginning with the so-called migration crisis of 2015 it considers the role of numbers is assessing success or failure. It argues that in the UK public debates about immigration changed with European Union (EU)…