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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

11 articles tagged UK

An `undeliberate determinacy'? The changing migration strategies of Polish migrants in the UK in times of Brexit
This paper reformulates classical questions regarding the plans and strategies of Polish migrants in the UK-such as decisions to leave or remain in the host country, or be `deliberately indeterminate' about future plans-from a sociologically situated `rights-based' perspective.
Brexit and UK International Development Policy
In this article we explore the implications of Brexit for the UK and the EU's development policies and strategic directions, focusing on the former.
Brexit, existential anxiety and ontological (in)security
This article explores how the Brexit Referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union has been a source of destabilisation, dread and ontological anxiety. Focusing mainly on British citizens who voted or self-identified as "Remainers", and on EU foreign nationals resident in the UK…
Britain’s Brexit Deal Debacle
The Brexit Deal marks an historic debacle for the United Kingdom. The UK failed to protect is core economic, political, strategic, and legal interests. Economically, while the UK overemphasized, and ultimately sold out, a tiny sector, fishing…
Do they need to integrate? The place of EU citizens in the UK and the problem of integration
This article aims to provide empirical evidence against the theory and practice of immigrant integration through the experience of EU citizens in the UK around Brexit. We demonstrate that, in the case of EU citizens, the outcomes of presumably successful “integration” have been achieved while - and…
Educating the English: the role of universities in tackling hate speech and Islamophobia in post-EU-Referendum Britain
This essay will examine the role of the Higher Education system in the UK, in educating students and communities about the concept of 'othering', and how they can combat ignorance of the benefits of multiculturalism and Freedom of Movement. Since the Referendum over membership of the EU (June 2016)…
Migrant labour in the UK's post-Brexit agri-food system: Ambiguities, contradictions and precarities
Pressure from global retailers to reduce food costs has altered downstream agri-food work regimes, with many food producers having adopted more flexible modes of working and employed migrant labour from lower income countries. Since the expansion of the European Union (EU) in 2004…
Speaking for 'our precious Union': unionist claims in the time of Brexit, 2016-20
Brexit and its implications pose the latest challenge to the Union as a political project and to unionism as the doctrine of state legitimacy. How did key unionist actors articulate the legitimizing foundations of the Union in the critical period 2016-20?
Talking about Bordering
In the summer of 2019 as the UK was in the midst of heated Brexit debates and Theresa May's minority government clung on to power, Professor Louise Ryan interviewed Professor Nira Yuval-Davis about her recent book Bordering (Yuval-Davis, Wemyss and Cassidy 2019).
The dark side of onward migration: Experiences and strategies of Italian-Bangladeshis in the UK at the time of the post-Brexit referendum
Drawing on multisited qualitative research in Italy and the UK, this paper documents the dark side of onward migration and the experiences faced by Italian-Bangladeshis in the UK after the Brexit referendum. The findings show that compared to their position in Italy…
The unexpected place: Brexit referendum and the disruptions to translocal place-making among Finns in the UK
As EU citizens and a `middling' migrant group in the UK, Finns have been able to exercise a relatively limitless existence in Britain. However, this freedom became threatened after the Brexit referendum. Through a digital ethnographic approach…