Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration
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16 articles tagged United Kingdom
A Sudden Loss of Rights
This chapter presents the problem of legal uncertainty afflicting second country nationals in the UK and British citizens turning from expats to post-European third country nationals.
Australia and a post-brexit Britain
This article, based on the Robert Menzies Lecture delivered by the author in London on 31 October 2017, provides a survey of Britain and Australia’s bilateral relationship from the 1930s to the present. In the earlier period particular attention is given to the role of Sir Robert Menzies.
Australia and Brexit: Déjà Vu All Over Again?
Recalling the debate about Britain’s applications to join the European Economic Community in the 1960s, Australians are now reacting to and assessing the implications of the Brexit vote for Australia. However, the contemporary situation is very different from that which prevailed in the 1960s.
Between Neo-nationalizing Russia and Brexit Britain: The Dilemmas of Russian Migrants’ Political Mobilizations
The article analyses the evolution, during the 2000s and 2010s, of civic engagement and political mobilization of post-Soviet Russian-speaking migrants living in the UK, and highlights the importance of these migrants' inherently transnational position in-between several polities.
Britain’s Brexit Deal Debacle
The Brexit Deal marks an historic debacle for the United Kingdom. The UK failed to protect is core economic, political, strategic, and legal interests. Economically, while the UK overemphasized, and ultimately sold out, a tiny sector, fishing…
Citizens’ rights in the post Brexit scenario
This article focuses on the issue of citizens’ rights in the post-Brexit landscape, taking into account the negotiations’ current state of play. At this stage, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) seem to share a common understanding on citizens’ rights…
EU Children in Brexit Britain: Re-Negotiating Belonging in Nationalist Times
This article contributes to debates on identification, home and belonging by focusing on EU children in Brexit times.(1) The article combines attention to the emotional and affective side of integration with a focus on the effects of the discursive practices of the state on these processes.
Exiting supranational unions and the corresponding impact on tourism: Some insights from a rejoinder to Brexit
The consequences of countries withdrawing from supranational unions have received growing attention. Most recently, the majority of British citizens have voted to exit the European Union (Brexit), which has resulted in the mushrooming of reports on its potential impact in myriad respects.
Exploring the trajectories of highly skilled migration law and policy in Japan and the UK
Japan and the UK appear to have few commonalities in terms of their history of and approach to migration law and policy. However, strong similarities in their contemporary approaches can be detected.
Four Rationales of HE Internationalization: Perspectives of UK Universities on Attracting Students From Former Soviet Countries
In the context marked by increasing competition between nation-states and universities, expanding individualization, growing influence of nonstate actors, and the new reality of Brexit, this study uses narrative and numeric data to explore the rationales of U.K. higher education (HE)…
Methodological nationalism and the Northern Ireland blind-spot in ethnic and racial studies
Northern Ireland (NI) has been one of the central issues in Brexit. Yet, it barely featured in the discussions in the run up to the EU Referendum in 2016. This blind-spot regarding NI has been a long-standing feature of social science research on the UK. This article examines the NI blind-spot…
Nursing emigration in the United Kingdom: A qualitative exploration of the Spanish nursing community
Aim: To understand and describe the experiences and perceptions of migrant Spanish nurses working in the UK. Design: Online survey with open-ended questions. Methods: A total of 371 participants were recruited from online groups related to Spanish nurses working in the UK. Results:
Open arms or a clenched fist
What kind of welcome will Brexit Britain offer to refugees?
Policy and Practice The EU referendum, planning and the environment: where now for the UK?
The referendum of 23 June 2016, in which the UK voted to leave the European Union, has potentially far-reaching implications for planning, especially its interface with environmental policy. While the five months since the referendum show stability in the world of planning practice…
The impact of Brexit on labour migration and labour markets in the United Kingdom and the EU
Nowadays, migration to the United Kingdom remains to be one of the most debatable issues as far as the Brexit is concerned. Many speculations have been made regarding the impact of Brexit and its effect on the social and economic status of the UK.
The portability of social rights of the United Kingdom with the European Union: Facts, issues, and prospects
The portability of social benefits - such as the state pension, child allowances and unemployment benefits - for international migrants is regulated by social security agreements concluded between countries or at supra-national level, such as within the European Economic Area (EEA).