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Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit

Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration

4 articles tagged GDP

Endangered Lithuania
Due to a decreased birth rate and increased emigration, Lithuania's population fell from 3.5 million to 2.8 million during the period 1990 - 2017. This paper presents a picture of the endangered Lithuanian population conditioned by high emigration flows.
Impact of Brexit on the migration in the UK
The study evaluates the impact of Brexit on the migration in the UK and determines economic implications of immigration now that UK has decided to leave the EU.
The economic impact of Brexit-induced reductions in migration
We analyse the determinants of migration flows to the UK, and the impact of restrictions on free movement post-Brexit, in both the short and long term. We then provide plausible…
The road to the economics of Brexit: A new direction in economic research
Brexit became an important subject not only for academics but also for international institutions, research centers and consultancy companies, think tanks and independent experts. The aim of this article is to: (1) provide a general approach of the literature; (2)…