Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration
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107 articles published 2020
"Wish you were here"? Geographies of exclusion: young people, coastal towns and marginality
Within youth studies there is a growing body of research that pays attention to the importance of place in shaping young people's identities, life opportunities and intergenerational relationships [Cuervo, H., and J. Wyn. 2014. Farrugia, D. 2014. Woodman, D., and J. Wyn. 2015. ].
(New) Bulgarian Enlighteners and Ambassadors? The Reinvention of National Identity in Times of Crisis
Drawing on empirical data from 37 Bulgarian students and young professionals in the UK, this article explores the intersection of the discourses produced by the European crises and migrants' national identity. In Bulgaria…
'By Education I'm Catholic'. The Gender, Religion and Nationality Nexus in the Migration Experience of Polish Men to the UK
To date, the literature on gender and migration continues a longstanding bias towards female over male experiences. Similarly, research on Polish post-EU accession emigration has not sufficiently addressed the male experiences of migration. Drawing on 20 interviews with migrant men…
'Multicultural lunches': sharing food in post-Brexit south coast of England
Food can be considered a substance that brings people together through its material and sensuous qualities, through affecting shared memories of people and place, and through traditions of hospitality. It is a human necessity with multiple levels of communal understanding, and conviviality.
‘Brexit’ and the Scots in England: A diaspora facing uncertainty?
Brexit has brought many uncertainties, including the future position of UK-based EU migrants. Our concern is with a much less studied group, albeit one of the largest socio-political sub-groups within England - the Scots.
‘Scotland's different’: Narratives of Scotland's distinctiveness in the post-Brexit-vote era
While Scotland has been portrayed as an outlier in the context of Brexit, we know relatively little about how ordinary people in Scotland, including a growing migrant population, make sense of this (political and media) narrative. In order to address this gap…
‘You get a better life here’: social in/security and migration in a time of geopolitical transformations
This paper is not about Brexit and yet it is.
“Eastern Europeans” and BrexLit
This article examines the representations of “Eastern European” migration in contemporary BrexLit, focusing on Adam Thorpe'sMissing Fay(2017), Amanda Craig's The Lie of the Land (2017), Carla Grauls's Occupied (2012), Andrew Muir's The Season (2015), and Agnieszka Dale's short stories.
A Blurred Piece of Jigsaw: On the Status of Jobseekers within the Framework of Directive 2004/38
This article explores the status of jobseeker in Directive 2004/38 that is aimed to simplify and strengthen the right of free movement and residence of all Union citizens. Unlike the categories of economically active and inactive persons…
A computable general equilibrium analysis of Brexit: Barriers to trade and immigration restrictions
This paper estimates the economic effects of different types of restrictions on trade and immigration in the United Kingdom after Brexit. Regarding trade restrictions, we focus on UK-EU increases in tariffs and non-tariff barriers.
Access to Social Protection by Immigrants, Emigrants and Resident Nationals in the UK
Immigration policies and immigrants’ rights to social protection in the UK have evolved dramatically over the past few decades, due to changing immigration flows, the UK’s membership of the European Union (EU) and participation in the European Single Market…
Agreeing to Disagree: The European Union and the United Kingdom after Brexit
Brexit – Withdrawal Agreement – Article 50 TEU – Negotiations – Legal character of agreement – Transition period – ‘New legal order’ – ‘Due regard’ – ECJ jurisdiction – Governance – Enforcement and supervision – Dispute settlement – Future relations
Analyzing the Effect of Brexit on the British Construction Industry Using Fuzzy Sets Theory
Policymakers are continually facing new challenges that are exacerbated by the lack of dedicated analysis of how macroeconomic changes affect particular industries. One of the most current examples of this is the effect that Brexit will have on the British construction industry.
Andrew's white cross, Hussain's red blood Being Scottish Shia in Brexit's no-man's-land
Brexit was a project shaped at the fringes of official politics. Unusually, however, it maintained its fringe-like qualities, including its lack of clarity and ambivalence, even as it took center stage in the political affairs of the country for more than three years. In such a transitional period…
Applying for Settled Status: Ambivalent and reluctant compliance of EU citizens in post-Brexit Scotland
This article contributes to scholarship concerning the effects of the UK Referendum on EU membership and Brexit on EU citizen rights in the UK (Botterill, McCollum and Tyrrell, 2018; Burrell and Schweyher, 2019; Gawlewicz and Sotkasiira, 2019; Huber, 2019). The paper focuses on applications for…
Bees & butterflies: Polish migrants' social anchoring, mobility and risks post-Brexit
The result of the Brexit referendum and subsequent uncertainty regarding its actual consequences, particularly for the EU citizens living in the UK, constitutes a major point of reference and a social risk for many Polish migrants.
Black men in Britain: An ethnographic portrait of the post-windrush generation
While extensive attention has been paid to black youth, adult black British men are a notable omission in academic literature. This book is the first attempt to understand one of Britain’s hidden populations: The post-Windrush generation…
Brexit & free movement of workers
The essay examines the different workers' movement regimes envisaged after the United Kingdom leaves the EU, highlighting the difficulties and contradictions of UK choice. In the first part, the authors look at the position of EU nationals currently living and working in the UK…
Brexit and Beyond: Transforming Mobility and Immobility
This Guest Editorial introduces a special issue entitled Brexit and Beyond: Transforming Mobility and Immobility. The unfolding story of Brexit provided the backdrop to a series of events, organised in 2018 and 2019…
Brexit and civic identity in the Republic of Cyprus
The article is based on the analysis of the current literature and interviews that has been taken by the author in April-May 2019, and focuses on existing issues of European citizenship in the Republic of Cyprus, that have arisen due to the exit of Britain from European Union, or Brexit.
Brexit and student immigration to the United Kingdom: Points of growth and fissure
The article is made around the search for an answer to two questions: how Brexit affected the dynamics of the entry of students from the EU countries and what new opportunities it presents for the UK educational system in the future.
Brexit and the Classed Politics of Bordering: The British in France and European Belongings
This article considers what Brexit means for British citizens living in France. Drawing on empirical research I examine the emotional and material impacts that uncertainties about their futures have had on their lives. The article documents the measures they take (or anticipate)…
Brexit as a Trigger and an Obstacle to Onwards and Return Migration
In this article, using in-depth interviews with EU27 citizens residing in the UK and Britons residing in Belgium, I analyse the role of the Brexit process as both a trigger of and an obstacle to onward and return migration.
Brexit as postindustrial critique
Anthropologists and other commentators struggle to make sense of pre-COVID-19 political developments in the postindustrial Global North. Various narratives were created to explain these dramatic events and changes, deploying an armory of social science analysis.
Brexit, Birmingham, belonging and home: the experience of secondary migrant Somali families and the dirty work of boundary maintenance
Purpose This study aims to investigate the impact of the Brexit referendum on feelings of belonging and home among secondary migrant Somali families in the city of Birmingham. Here…
Brexit, Europe and othering
The UK has seen, within recent years, a noticeable increase in Euroscepticism, culminating in the vote to leave the European Union altogether. Although there were many reasons for the Brexit vote, the UK, in common with some other EU countries…
Brexit, liminality, and ambiguities of belonging; French citizens in London
The Brexit process has affected the lives of "middling"mobile Europeans living in the UK, who have experienced uncertainty as their legal status and social position have shifted. Based on ethnographic research during the years 2015-2020 among French citizens living in London…
Brexit: an economy-wide impact assessment on trade, immigration, and foreign direct investment
We assess the impacts of Brexit on the UK economy along three dimensions: EU market access based on consideration of tariffs and non-tariff barriers, reduced numbers of EU citizens working in the UK, and reductions in FDI. Using a Computable General Equilibrium model with an integrated Melitz…
British immigration policy, depoliticisation and Brexit
This paper seeks to problematise the historical significance of the EU for British governing strategy with reference to immigration policy and the concept of depoliticisation. Situating British governing strategy in terms of the crisis-prone nature of capitalist society…
Britishness Outsourced: State Conduits, Brokers and the British Citizenship Test
This article explores the role of two different types of organisations which act as brokers on behalf of the British state in the citizenship test process. Situating these organisations' emergence within a neoliberal British state characterised by its `dispersal'…
Citizen preferences about border arrangements in divided societies: Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Northern Ireland
Border arrangements are often critical to the successful negotiation of peace settlements and the broader politics of post-conflict societies. However, developing an understanding of popular preferences about these arrangements is difficult using traditional surveys. To address this problem…
Complexities of Polish migrant's citizenship attributions in the context of Brexit and the Scottish Independence
This article focuses on the experiences of Scotland's largest foreign-born minority group, namely Poles, in the run-up to the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 and subsequently the UK's EU Referendum.
Cultural violence in the aftermath of the Brexit Referendum: manifestations of post-racial xeno-racism
This paper makes a novel contribution to the academic debate on Brexit and racism. It emphasizes the need to distinguish different manifestations of post-racial xeno-racism in the aftermath of the Brexit Referendum as either direct, structural or cultural violence.
Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for UK Citizens Abroad
Despite having one of the largest diaspora in the world, the United Kingdom peculiarly has no diaspora engagement policy to speak of. Policy, not legal right, underpins consular affairs and social protection policies are extremely limited.
Diasporic media and counterpublics Engaging anti-EU immigration stances in the UK
The article examines three Romanian diasporic publications in the UK, aiming to identify the formation of a diasporic counterpublic in opposition to mainstream anti-EU immigration stances, during and after the 2016 referendum. Drawing upon (critical) discourse analysis…
Envisaging post-Brexit immobility: Polish migrants' care intentions concerning their elderly parents
The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union will end the European Freedom of Movement and the privileged migration status of EU Citizens in the UK, which will likely affect `Brexit families' and their transnational care arrangements.