Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit
Mapping social science research on Brexit and migration
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484 articles with source type Research article
Australia and Brexit: Déjà Vu All Over Again?
Recalling the debate about Britain’s applications to join the European Economic Community in the 1960s, Australians are now reacting to and assessing the implications of the Brexit vote for Australia. However, the contemporary situation is very different from that which prevailed in the 1960s.
Back to the future? Lessons of differentiated integration from the EFTA countries for the UK's future relations with the EU
The decision of the United Kingdom (UK) to withdraw from the European Union (EU) raises the question of how to shape their post-Brexit relations. The EU has developed various forms of external differentiated integration with neighbouring countries…
Bees & butterflies: Polish migrants' social anchoring, mobility and risks post-Brexit
The result of the Brexit referendum and subsequent uncertainty regarding its actual consequences, particularly for the EU citizens living in the UK, constitutes a major point of reference and a social risk for many Polish migrants.
Before and beyond Brexit: political dimensions of UK lifestyle migration
Lifestyle migration is a now-established subfield within the anthropology of migration, and interdisciplinary migration studies, usually justified by its extensive and increasing spread, globally. Yet, bar a few exceptions, the political behaviour of lifestyle migrants has been relatively neglected.
Belonging in Brexit Britain: Central and Eastern European 1.5 generation young people's experiences
In this paper, we examine the experiences of young people born in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) who are part of the 1.5 migrant generation living in “Brexit Britain.” We focus on two key themes: (a) young people's feelings of belonging to Britain, their countries of birth and Europe…
Between disruptions and connections: “New” European Union migrants in the United Kingdom before and after the Brexit
This paper examines the pre- and post-Brexit experiences and perspectives of migrants from three “new” European Union (EU) countries-Latvia, Poland, and Slovakia-who are living and working or studying in the London area. Deploying the key concepts of power-geometry and relational space…
Between Neo-nationalizing Russia and Brexit Britain: The Dilemmas of Russian Migrants’ Political Mobilizations
The article analyses the evolution, during the 2000s and 2010s, of civic engagement and political mobilization of post-Soviet Russian-speaking migrants living in the UK, and highlights the importance of these migrants' inherently transnational position in-between several polities.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Vulnerable EU citizens cast adrift in the UK post-Brexit
Both the UK Government and the EU negotiating team have let down vast numbers of EU citizens in the UK. The creation of continuing EU responsibilities in a newly ex-Member State, for EU citizens who exercised their EU free movement rights before withdrawal, is an unprecedented challenge.
Blame and fear: Roma in the UK in a changing Europe
Anti-Gypsyism is not a new phenomenon. For centuries Roma have been blamed and feared; their social identities constructed to fulfil a function to be the visible `other'. The Brexit debate offered fertile, but well-trodden, ground for negative discourse. Gypsies, Travellers and Roma (GTR)…
Brexit & free movement of workers
The essay examines the different workers' movement regimes envisaged after the United Kingdom leaves the EU, highlighting the difficulties and contradictions of UK choice. In the first part, the authors look at the position of EU nationals currently living and working in the UK…
Brexit and article 50 teu: A constitutionalist reading
This article considers the constitutional requirements and implications of Article 50 TEU for the EU. It argues that it is essential to read Article 50 in light of the features of the Treaty of which it forms part together with its drafting context, that of the Convention on the Future of Europe…
Brexit and civic identity in the Republic of Cyprus
The article is based on the analysis of the current literature and interviews that has been taken by the author in April-May 2019, and focuses on existing issues of European citizenship in the Republic of Cyprus, that have arisen due to the exit of Britain from European Union, or Brexit.
Brexit and Corporate Citizenship
The UK's recent vote for Brexit has sparked a fierce debate over the implications for the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in the rest of the EU. So far, however, there has been relatively little discussion of the implications of Brexit for legal persons - that is…
Brexit and European doctors' decisions to leave the United Kingdom: a qualitative analysis of free-text questionnaire comments
BackgroundQuantitative evidence suggests that Brexit has had a severe and negative impact on European doctors, with many medical staff leaving the UK. This study provides a detailed examination of European doctors' feelings towards Brexit, their intentions to leave the UK…
Brexit and its economic consequences
As the formal process of Brexit has already started, there is much uncertainty about Brexit's impacts on Britain's social, political and economic future. This paper examines the economic impact. After briefly discussing some significant EU treaties that serve as the background materials…
Brexit and its impact on the use and reimbursement of care by British insured citizens in the Czech Republic
UK leaving the EU will affect not only the Brits but also Czech healthcare providers who will face an intricate question how to provide healthcare services and how to report them to properly receive payment. There is a vital difference between “Withdrawal Agreement Brexit” and “no-deal Brexit”…
Brexit and Its Potential Effects on the German Labour Market
Brexit will undoubtedly affect the German labour market. Many German establishments produce for export to the United Kingdom (UK) and future trade barriers could reduce demand for their products and consequently, the labour demand of those establishments. On the labour supply side…
Brexit and new autochthonic politics of belonging
The outcome of the 2016 European Union membership referendum is re-shaping the United Kingdom's relationship with the EU through shifting geopolitical positioning(s) and the (re)…
Brexit and new perspectives of an unconventional way of Eurozone revival
In the aftermath of the UK referendum on June 23rd, 2016 that resulted in a sonorous negative decision regarding the willingness of the British people to remain in the EU, a significant number of alarming questions have emerged. Although Europe should have forged in crises, nowadays…
Brexit and Scots Law: Immigration and Citizenship
The effects of Brexit on the entry and residence rights of EU citizens in Scotland look set to be the same as those felt across the rest of the UK: they will be integrated into the UK’s national immigration system by some future date, which could depend on individual circumstances…
Brexit and social security of mobile persons
If one looks at the history of UK and EU relations, the UK Leave vote may not seem a surprise. Attempts were made by the EU to enable further membership of the UK. Despite the Leave vote “offers” to the UK might still be relevant for other Member States. Among the most intriguing questions are:
Brexit and student immigration to the United Kingdom: Points of growth and fissure
The article is made around the search for an answer to two questions: how Brexit affected the dynamics of the entry of students from the EU countries and what new opportunities it presents for the UK educational system in the future.
Brexit and the borders and boundaries of the European union
The article makes the case for the study of borders and boundaries as intertwined concepts that bear multiple implications for understanding the prominence of anti-migration in the public discourse.
Brexit and the British Overseas Territories: Changing Perspectives on Security
On 23 June 2016 the United Kingdom voted in a referendum to leave the European Union. As well as citizens of the UK, residents of the UK Overseas Territory of Gibraltar were also allowed to vote, with 96 per cent voting Remain.
Brexit and the Classed Politics of Bordering: The British in France and European Belongings
This article considers what Brexit means for British citizens living in France. Drawing on empirical research I examine the emotional and material impacts that uncertainties about their futures have had on their lives. The article documents the measures they take (or anticipate)…
Brexit and the European National Health Service England Workforce: A Quantitative Analysis of Doctors' Perceived Professional Impact and Intentions to Leave the United Kingdom
Background: Although survey data suggest that Brexit has negatively influenced European doctors' decisions to remain in the United Kingdom, this is the first quantitative study to use multivariate analysis to explore this relationship. Objective:
Brexit and the Free Movement of Workers: A Plea for National Legal Assertiveness
National judges and Member State governments have an obligation to be assertive about national interests threatened by EU policies, even to the extent of challenging existing doctrines of law, proposing new interpretations, and insisting on the proper division of judicial functions…
Brexit and the Overseas Territories: Repercussions for the Periphery
There are 14 United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs), of which nine are associated with the European Union (EU) via the Overseas Association Decision adopted by the EU in 2013. Gibraltar, meanwhile, is part of the EU under Article 355(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
Brexit and the perils of “Europeanised' migration
Moving beyond short-term public opinion accounts for Brexit this article considers how Britain's historic policy and political dynamics on migration led to the outcome of the EU referendum and how the latter is likely to transform current immigration policies. To do so…
Brexit and the stratified uses of national and European Union citizenship
In this article the authors explore how Brexit changes the social meanings and uses of formal national and EU citizenship and how these meanings and uses are stratified, including by migratory experience, class and age. They do so through in-depth interviews with Britons in Belgium…
Brexit and UK International Development Policy
In this article we explore the implications of Brexit for the UK and the EU's development policies and strategic directions, focusing on the former.
Brexit and Uncertainty: Insights from the Decision Maker Panel
The UK's decision to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum created substantial uncertainty for UK businesses. The nature of this uncertainty is different from that of a typical uncertainty shock because of its length, breadth and political complexity. Consequently, a new firm-level survey…
Brexit and Westminster's "Ulsterior Motives"
The chances are growing that an unexpected consequence of the 2016 UK referendum to exit the European Union (or "Brexit") may eventuate in the unexpected development of Northern Ireland exiting the UK, or what might be termed "NIRexit." In other words, Brexit may lead to Irish unification.
Brexit as a scandal: gender and global trumpism
Brexit' was a watershed moment. It has made visible the major faultlines and fissures that underlie the so-called United Kingdom' (UK) and our increasingly globalized world. But the precise nature of those faultlines and fissures requires multiple strands of critical analysis and interpretation.
Brexit as a Trigger and an Obstacle to Onwards and Return Migration
In this article, using in-depth interviews with EU27 citizens residing in the UK and Britons residing in Belgium, I analyse the role of the Brexit process as both a trigger of and an obstacle to onward and return migration.
Brexit as postindustrial critique
Anthropologists and other commentators struggle to make sense of pre-COVID-19 political developments in the postindustrial Global North. Various narratives were created to explain these dramatic events and changes, deploying an armory of social science analysis.